Monday, August 25, 2008


Copyright affects your life just about everyday, whether you know it or not. If you have ever downloaded songs off the Internet; or if you've ever used a newspaper photo on your own personal website, you have used copyrighted material- perhaps even illegally. Remember Napster? Napster was sued by the music industry, which claimed that peer-to-peer file sharing infringed on its copyright.

The definition of Copyright is the exclusive legal right granted to a writer, editor, composer, publisher, or distributor to publish, produce, sell, or distribute an artistic work. Copyright law has expanded dramatically in the past two decades, giving copyright owners (usually corporations) more and more power over how cultural works may be used.How do you think copyright should be enforced in the following situations? (Don't be concerned with how it actually is enforced at this point.)

Be sure to consider this issue from at least two perspectives:a) What is best for the copyright owner(s)?b) What is best for the public at large?Choose two of the four situations to discuss in your response. Include a minimum of one paragraph for each topic using full sentences. Please check your spelling and grammar before publishing your material. Include your first and last name, period, and date.

1. A rap group would like to sample bits from TV shows, movies, songs, or other copyrighted material. should it be required to get permission from the copyright holder? ( Asking permission requires finding the copyright owner, writing a letter, and usually paying a fee.) What factors influence your decision?

2. Should a school teacher be allowed to photocopy pages from a book for use in class without asking permission from the publisher? (Again, asking permission requires locating the publisher, writing a letter and usually paying a fee.) Why or why not?

3. Should you allowed to make a t-shirt with Star Wars characters fro yourself and a few friends? Should you be allowed to sell the t-shirts? What do you think George Lucas would have to say about that? Would he be right or wrong? Why?

4. If you shoot a video with your friends, should you be allowed to use a popular (copyrighted) song in the background? What about if you plan to sell the video? what about if you hold a public screening at school, but not for money? What if you're just showing it to your friends?

Please sign your first and last name, your class period and, the date that you make your post on each entry. You will need to include two paragraphs in your entry - this means complete sentences and check your spelling. Blogs will run from Thursday to Thursday with the closing of the previous blog occurring at the start of class on Thursday.


Anonymous said...

Sarah Johnson period 3

2. I think the teacher should be allowed to photocopy the pages from the book. They are not trying to take credit for writing it themselves. The only reason they had for photocopying the pages was for educational purposes, so it is fair.

4. I think you should be able to use a song in the background of a movie, but probably not if you are going out and selling the video as your own creative work. I would also say it is fair to be able to have a free public showing at school and show it to friends because they know the song is only there for entertainment purposes. You would not be trying to pass off the song as your own if it was a free, public showing.

Anonymous said...

Aaron Paulson per.3

If a teacher were to ask for use of material in class the money for the amount of students would me outrages. A score of music could go from 25 cents to ten dollars or more for a single copy and if a class has 30 kids 30*10=300$ allot of money but instead you could buy ten copies and print off twenty even though it is against the law it is impractical to have to buy massive quantities’ of software, books, music, ect..

P.S-ninja's in a bottle

Anonymous said...

Andrew Johnson - Period 3 - 8/25/08

3. I don't think George Lucas wouldn't care if you used his characters for t-shirts. If it's between you and a few friends, that should be fine. But if you begin massive whole sale, you should get permission from him. Otherwise, you could get sued for copyright infringment.

4. If you are creating a video for fun purposes or for a project, I think that's perfectly fine to use a background song. If you plan to sell the video, it would be wise to ask for the permission of the song's owner or person who is responsible for creating the song. If you're showing it to the public for no money, you should atleast put credit for the creator of the sign, such as the year, name, and title. If it's between your friends, it will not be harmful to the person who made the song.

Anonymous said...

Joey Nielson P3
I the teachers should be able to use the photographs. Because they arent taking credit for it so it sould not be rong. Plus they are also just use it for an example or something like that
No they shouldnt be able to sell the t-shirts without permission. Be they are taking what someone made and thought of for there own work.

Anonymous said...

Alex Lugo Period 3,

#1 I dont think the rap group should be able to take sample bits from the coptyright material. Why i think they shouldnt be able to because they could distribute the copyright matterial in a way that company or place would make it look bad in some sence. Or would have the company or people not pleased on what they did with the copyright matterial. i think it should be very required for them to get permission.

Anonymous said...

William Wright Per.3

Yes you should be allowed because George Lucas is already super rich so i don't think he would care

If you plan to sell the video then no, but if you're not doing it for profit then yes

Anonymous said...

Ryan Thomas period 3.
#3. I think you should be able to use a copyrighted picture to make a t-shirt with your friends as long as your not selling them to make a profit.

#4. I think the kids should be able to make the video using a copyrighted song in the background and show their friends, as long as they aren't making a profit off of it.

Anonymous said...

Derrick Ettel
Period 3

3. Yes, I think you should be able to make the shirts. As long as you aren't trying to sell them I don't see any problems with that. I don't think George would really care that much.

4. Yes, you should be able to use songs, again, as long as you don't try an profit from it. You should also be able to show it at school, and to friends

Anonymous said...

Kaity Kuhfal
Period 3

1. I think that a rap artist or rap group would need to get permission to use music, TV show clips, or songs in their own music. First they would make money off of it their work but they would get into trouble for it. Also if they do not get permission they could get sued and go to jail by law.

2. I think they should be able to because of the Fair Use Guidlines. According to these guidlines they are aloud to be used as long as they fallow certain rules. Aslo as long as it is being used for educational uses it should be aloud.

Anonymous said...

Ryan Soyland per. 3
#3. I think you should be able to make a shirt with star wars on it but you shouldn't be able to sell it.

#4.Yes you should be able to have the song in the backround but not all of it,only about 30 seconds.

Anonymous said...

Angela Weeldreyer
Period 3

In response to the rapper who would like to sample bits from TV, shows, and songs I think that she or he should defintely ask permission from the copy right owner before s/he uses someone elses material. If the rapper would like credit for producing a "hot" song I'm sure those injected into the song would like to be or appreciate being credited as well. This would only be fair to the copyright owners. If the rapper did not ask permission then s/he is not playing by the rules. Some copyright owners may decline his/her liking to sample some bits from their work... but atleast they took into consideration the copyright holders feelings and rights. It's best for the overall public that they do ask permission.. just because you're a rap star doesn't mean you get to break the rules.

2. A teacher is defintely allowed to photocopy pages from a book without asking permission. This is because of the "fair use" standards that apply to the copyright. Just as long as the teacher is not profiting or taking credit for the pages copied it is okay. Even if permission was asked of the copyright holder... I don't they would make them pay for the usage. Teachers who photocopy typically do it for learning purposes.

Anonymous said...

Alex Lugo Period 3,

#4 i think you should be able to use these types of media contents for school use. Because you are gettin permission pretty much by the school to distribute this for the school and from what i know most schools even ours do this to show for home comming and ect.

Anonymous said...

Angie Berry period 3

2.The teacher should be able to copy the page without the publishers concent. Its not for profit and she is using it for educational purposes.

3. They should be able to use the song with out permission unless they make a frofit by selling it.

Anonymous said...

Angie Berry period 3

2.The teacher should be able to copy the page without the publishers concent. Its not for profit and she is using it for educational purposes.

3. They should be able to use the song with out permission unless they make a frofit by selling it.

Anonymous said...

Ben Brown Period 1

1. They should ask the publisher for permission because they are going to sell/reproduce the song that include these copyright sounds.

2. No, she shouldnt have to ask for permission because she is making personal copys for educational use only.

Anonymous said...

Zach Robinson Period 1

1.A rap group should be forced to get written permission from all the copyright holders. They plan to make money off of it, so a copyright should be enforced. I wouldn’t want other people making money from stealing my work.
4. You do not need permission if the movie is used for non-profit and private means. You do need permission, however, if you plan to sell the movie. As long as people aren’t making money off my idea without my permission, advertising my product to a private audience for free is fine.

I would keep the same answer for each. Permission is needed in these instances only when selling/moneymaking becomes an option

Anonymous said...

Katie Meister Period 3

2. I think a teacher should be allowed to use material if it is for learning. They're not taking credit, just using it to teach.

4. You should be allowed to use a song in your movie unless your making a profit off of it. If it is just for fun and to have for yourself then it should be ok.

Anonymous said...

2. A teacher should be able to use copywritten materials for their teaching. The use of this material should show the individual(s) that their material was used to help educate students.

3. I think George lucas would be very happy to let you put his star wars characters on a t-shirt. it would show him that there is still fans of his movies.

Anonymous said...

Natasha Pettibone period 1

2.I think the school teacher should be able to use it. i feel that way because if they copy a picture out of the book for there students to color or study from it's not big deal. It's not like they are going to be published or shown world wide.

4. I don't think if someone creates their own movie they wouldn't have to ontat the original creater of the song there using. if they only plan to show it to frients it's ok but if they use it in a major nation wide movie than theym should contact the original owner.

Anonymous said...

Taylor Hansen Period 1

2.Teachers should be able to photocopy pages from books because they are using it for educational purposes so it falls under fair use.

3.I think that if you wanted to make t-shirts with the starwars characters on them you should be able to for you and a few friends. But you should not be allowed to sell them because then you would be making profit ideas that are not your own.

Anonymous said...

Tarah Parks period 1

2. I don't think the teacher would need permission to copy the pages because she's using them for her class. It's fair use for an educator to use those materials.

4. I think it would be okay for them to use the song in the video if they don't use it to make money. If they're going to use it for a public showing at their school they should atleast credit the artist.

Anonymous said...

Naomi Mcdonald period 1
Yes i think the rap group should be required to get permission and pay a fee if they wanted to use other peoples media. Artist work hard at what they do, so their material should be coverd by the copyright law. Also if that law wasnt enforced people could and would steal their work while claming it as theirs. Another plus side to the copy right law is that artist can make money off of their work.

Anonymous said...

Randall Porter Period 1

1. Yes the rap group needs to ask for permission because they want to use someone elses work and publish it so they have have to follow the copyright rules.

2. The teacher should be allowed to use the material without asking because she is using it for an educational purpose and not for individual use

Anonymous said...

t-shirts for personal use are fine but if you are selling them the owner of the picture or slogan must get royalties. For use of them and the fact that they own that charcter or slogan. Producing t-shirts to sell is probly not profitable if you have to pay the person and you lose money eather.

Aaron Paulson

Ps. waffles

Anonymous said...

If a rap group wanted to sample them it would be ok. If they use to much of the copyrighted stuff it is not right for them to take credit for anything and must pay the oringinal producer for its use.

Carrie Burger

Anonymous said...

Nikki Mercurio Period 1
2. I think the teacher shuold be able to use the photos because they are going to be used for educational purposes.
1. I think the rapper should ask for permission to use sample bits because the other person created it and if they say no then he shouldn't be able to.

Anonymous said...

If a school teacher uses one book and copys it 100 times that would be to extream for use and the company would like to have thoes 100 books in sales but if it is a single page or something it would be fine because its for teaching and is not to save money.

Carrie Burger
Per. 3

Ps. ninjas in a waffle

Anonymous said...

Ashley Kuhn Period 1

1. i dont think the rap group should be able to take copyrighted samples since it will be published and alot of people will see. someone who copyrighted thoes things are bound to see it and then there would be a big legal issue.

2. I think a school teacher should be able to photcopy pages from a book but the teacher should tell the class where they got it from. they are not trying to say they wrote it. the teacher is doing it for educational reasons.

Anonymous said...

Katy Clements period 1

1. The rap group should have to get permission because its not their ideas and they are making something else from them.

2. The teacher should be allowed to use the book she is teaching out of it not editing it or using as her own.

Anonymous said...

Michael Chamness period 1
2. I think the teacher shouldn't have to ask permission to photocopy the pages seeing as the school probably bought the book from the publisher and rights to photocopy any information that they would need. I also think she shouldn't have to due to that it's not for a personal gain but to help others learn.

1. I think that the rap group would have to ask for the rights to put those songs and images into their video because they are selling the ideas and making a profit with someone elses work.

Anonymous said...

Cody jackson
Period.2 2. No because the teacher is just trying to teach us. Its not like were stealing it or anything.

Anonymous said...

Jordan Paulson period 2

1.If a rap group wanted to use a sample of somthing i dont think they should be able to. Its not their work and thy should have to pay and or give credit to the person who published the work.

3.the person should not be able to make his own T-shirt. The things that he is using to make the T-shirt are not his and he should not be able to make a profit from them without asking first.

Anonymous said...

Ryan Punke Period 2

1. Yes, they should get permission. The samples are from TV shows, and other copyrighted things. If it is copyrighted and they want to use it to make a profit, they will have to get permission first.

2. Yes, a teacher should be able to photocopy pages. Since she isn't selling it and it's for learning she should be able to do that.

Anonymous said...

Cody jackson Period.1 3. Yes because its not like were doing anything wrong, i mean he should thank us for advertising his movie.

Anonymous said...

Katherine Randall Period 2

(2) A school teacher should be able to use the photocopies because the pages are not being sold and are only being used for educational purposes. If the whole book was being copied then permission would probably have to be asked. That's because the copyright owner would most likely want the teacher to then buy the books.

(4) Using the song would be okay if you bought the song originally (i.e. cd, ituens, dvd). Usage of it would not be alright if the video were to be sold, but for a public showing at school it would be fine as long as credit was given to the artist and/or copyright owner at the endk or begining. The movie would probably need credits in general so that the song would not be mistaken or taken as made by the kid doing it. Showing the movie to friends in private would be alright.

Anonymous said...

John ham Period 2

1.When the teacher uses the pages from the book they should be able to do it because they are only using it for educational purposes and are not going to be leaving the school grounds of where they are teaching so yes the teacher should be able to have the right to do it.

2. I do not think George lucas would seriously care as long as the kids cept it in between them and did not sell a whole world wide event of this product. And if you were to start your own buissness you would have to contact him and whoever has the copywright right to handle his products.

Anonymous said...

Beth DeJong period 2

#2: The teacher should be able to photocopy pages from the book because they aren't doing it to steal, it's for the learning experience. The teacher shouldn't have to pay a fee to teach kids about something.

#4: I think you should be allowed to use a song in the background because if it's just a local thing it's not like it will get back somehow to the singer of the song or the producer. And most of the time no one notices or hears anything playing in the background. And the producer or singer wouldn't care because it's just a movie some kids made they don't know.

Anonymous said...

Kaleb Tritt --- Period 2

2. Teachers should be allowed to photocopy anything they want as long as it is for educational use only. There is no reason to charge someone for something they aren't going to make money off of.

4. As far as I'm concerned, songs should be allowed to be used on personal webpages and the backgrounds of videos. My reasoning for this is because most people don't plan on using a video or a personal webpage to advertise something to make money for themselves.

Anonymous said...

Paige Kiepke, Period 2

3) I think you should be allowed to because wal-mart, targer and all other stores have t-shirts, and some have star-wars or other movies on it. Maybe if you wear the shirt, people would want to see the movie, so you would be promoting the movie.

4) If your selling the moive i don't think you should use it, if you werent given permission. But if your not selling it, I don't think it should matter if artist don't want you to listen to their music they shouldn't sell it.

Anonymous said...

Lexi Even per.2

#2 I think that the teacher can use the pages from the book. As long as the teacher states where they got it from. It shouldn't be that big of a deal because its being used as a class example.

#4 If their going to use a song in a video. They don't need to get permission if their not selling it. But if they are they'd need to contact the publisher. Other than that just showing it to friends is not a problem.

Anonymous said...

Mat Lind Period 2
3. I would think it would be alright if you made t-shirts of Star Wars. If you were trying to sell them then it would be wrong. I think George Lucas won't care really about making them unless you try selling them.

4. I think it would be okay if you use a song in the background of a movie. If you try to sell the movie, you might need to speak to the group. It should be okay if you use it at a public speaking at school. Its not like you are making money off of it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Samantha Clark period 3

2. I think that the teachers should be allowed to photocopy material from books. The teachers are only doing it to teach there students stuff about them, they are not taking credit for there material there just using it for teaching.

4. I think that you should be able to use a song in a background of a movie. Because if you didn't have a song then the cridits at the end will be boring or it could be boring during the movie to. Not only that but if you have school slid shows what fun would that be to have no music in the background.

Anonymous said...

4: I think it would be fine as long as its not being sold and them making profits off of it.

2: I think it would be fine as long as its for educational perposes.

Anonymous said...

Justin Charnell, period 3

1. As far as the rappers go, I think that it should be ok to sample a <30 second clip from a song. Because you are aloud to listen to a 30 seconds clip online as a sample, I don't see anything wrong with replaying that same clip over and over again.

2. It should be alright if a teacher photocopies a picture for educational purposes, as I believe you said that was ok to do. As long as it is for educational purposes, and nothing else. The teacher would just not be able to pass it off as his/her own or try to profit from the pictures.

Anonymous said...

Grant Wynia per. 3

2. I think the teacher should be allowed to use the photocopy version. Since she is not trying to claim that the writing was actually hers, then she should be able to just print and show her class.

3. You should be allowed to make a t-shirt with a Star Wars character just as long as you don't sell it for money. I think George Lucas would be alright about the t-shirt but if you started making profit off of them then he would probably have to recieve some of the money as well.

Anonymous said...

the one obove with no name is Jordan Brown Period 3

Anonymous said...

Matt Horan period 3

2. A schoolteacher should be allowed to photocopy pages out of a book without asking for permission. The teacher is using the pages for education, not to make money or credit it for themself.

4. If put a song in the background of a video and you just show it to your friends, that is ok. It is also ok if you show it at a school event. But if you plan to sell is for profit, that is not ok.

Anonymous said...

the thing that influenced me is that everyone does it wat is so bad about it

Anonymous said...

Sam McGee period 1

2.The teacher should be allowed to photocopy the pages from a book because she is not going to sell it to anyone and she is using it for educational purposes. Contacting the publisher and paying a fee would take a lot of valuble tim away from her.

4.If the friends are just going to watch it by themselves or at school I don't think they should have to pay money for it. If they sell it to people and begin to make a profit they should have to pay for the song.

Anonymous said...

Weston Smith Per.1

1. No because it is cpoyrighted and making the music couuld possibly get sued because of using the copywritten materials. But if you did wnat to use them yoiu would have to get a hole of the maker and everything that is required for the situation. i will keep the same awnser because it is aganst the law.

2. Yes the teacher should be abel to because she needs to do what ever it takes to teach her suudents as well as she can. but when her students take her example the can not use it for there work

Anonymous said...

Naomi McDonald p.3

Yes i think the rap group should be required to get permission and pay a fee if they wanted to use other peoples media. Artist work hard at what they do, so their material should be coverd by the copyright law. Also if that law wasnt enforced people could and would steal their work while claming it as theirs. Another plus side to the copy right law is that artist can make money off of their work.

2. Yes a teacher should be able to copyright images. She's using them for a teaching process not to go out and sell them. I dont think someone would get mad if a teacher used one of their images out of a book to teach a class about something.

Anonymous said...

Gabby Folsom period 1

2. Yes the teacher should be able to photocopy pages from a book to use in class. This is because the teacher would only use the material to teach, not to sell or publish or take credit for the material.

4.If I were to shoot a video with some friends, i should be able to use the music if I dont sell it. I should be able to show it.

Anonymous said...

tanner anderson period 1

i think the teacher should be able to use the info because its for school and she is not trying to make money off of it just trying to teach

I think that if they want to just make a video with the background music in it that would be cool as long as they don't try to sell it and if they did try to sell it, it would be smart to ask if they can use it.

Anonymous said...

Keala Conn
Period 1
1. The rap group should have to ask permission because it is not their material to be using to be selling. I wouldn't want people using my stuff without asking and i don't think any other group would either. Especially if they are using it to get famous without giving credit to who the material belongs to.
2. The school teacher shouldn't have to ask permission because she is not using it for any purpose except to expand the knowledge of her students. She is not selling it or using it to benefit her in a huge way.

Anonymous said...

Kayla VanOverbeke Period 1
(2) I think that teachers shouldnt have to ask permission to use a few pages out of the book. Because it is an education purpose to teach students. If she copied the whole book then yes she should ask and have to pay a fine.
(4) You should be able to use a song in the background if it is for a school project and thats all. If you plan to sell it then the rap group should be notified and asked.

Anonymous said...

Nick Bruce period 1

2. Yes she could be able to photocopy pages because its for an educational reason. ONLY because its educational makes it okay, if the teacher was doing it to sell or make public, it would be illegal.

4. Yes only if its for fun and not profit. If you sell the video you are making profit on a copyrighted object. The public screening is okay but not if money is taken in, if its just for friends, its also okay.

Anonymous said...

Taylor Strasburg
Period 2

1. I think it's ok if the rap group is just sampling these songs. However, if they put it out for sales they would need to get permission because it help make them a profit.

3. I think it's fine to make shirts and to give them out, but as soon as you start selling them you need permission since you're using there ideas to make your own money.

Anonymous said...

Cody Wirkus Period 2
1) The best for the rap group would be to get permission, because if they pay thr fee, he can use it legally. but if they do it illegal, the owner can sue them and get more money then the fee would of been.

2) i think school teacher shouldn't have to worrie about getting permissionm, because if shes tryen to teach about something someone wrote but she can't because she dosn't have permission. that might take awhile to get permission , and by they time she dosn't get the permission she will be on her next lesson.

Anonymous said...

Arnold Matus period.2

I think teachers should not have to ask permisson to a publisher to copy any book. Its how teachers teach us students to learn. Its what teachers where made to do. All teachers should be allowed to copyright.

I think you should ask permission becouse i wouldnt like you copyrighting a song that i wrote and selling my songs and makeing me go poor. But maby if they where using it for a movie or all sorts of tv stuff dont think they need to ask permision, well thats what i think.

Anonymous said...

Elle Score
Period Two

2.) I believe the teacher should be allowed to photocopy pages from a book. The book is being used to study. If a student takes the material out and uses it for themselves, then I think it shouldn't be allowed.

4.) If you are planning to sell the video then no, I do not think you use the song, unless you have gone through the entire process of geting permission.

Anonymous said...

Shannon Peters period 3

2. A teacher should be able to photocopy pages from a book without getting permission. They are not taking credit for it or they are not trying to sell as theirs. The teachers are only using it to educate their students.

4. You should be able to use a song in the background. If you plan to sell it, you should give credit to whoever made that song. It okay to show it at school just as long as you aren't saything that you made the song.

Anonymous said...

jon anerson p2

1. they but if they are going to try to make money off of it they could use or it they were going to advertise it.

2. i think that school teachers should beable to use them if they are uesing them as examples but to like copy them then they cant use them.

Anonymous said...

Barry German per#2

i think that a teacher should be able to photo copy images or text from a book i mean honestly it is quit understandible why she would phot copy it for educational reasons

Anonymous said...

Barry German Per#2

There is a certain type of photo copying thtat should be aloowed and should not be allow for instance rap groups taking beats from other stars is wrong because if they get famous off someone else beats then whats the point of being famous of ur own material

Anonymous said...

Ryan A. Prd.2

2.)I believe that the teacher should be allowed to photo copy the pages of the book, because it is for educational purpooses, it's not like she is some terrorist going around photocopying secret government documents.

3.) George Lucas has, and makes eough money not to care about some kids making Star Wars t-shirts for them and a few friends.

Anonymous said...

Samantha Clark Period 3
1. I think that by the girl getting the make over. So other girls would want to try to be like her. Like they probably wish they could be like her. And that cant because they use photoshop to fix her up.

2. Well it affects us because are we going to know if they are doing the right thing or are we going to know they are just trying to tell us lies.

Anonymous said...

Jack Hogan period 1

1: I think they should have to pay the fee and get the license. They make a lot of money off that kind of stuff, and it really isn't fair for the original owners to get their media taken and used freely.

2: Yes the teacher should be allowed to do it. The teacher is photocopying it for academic purposes so she should get some lee-way with it.

3: As long as you aren't selling the t-shirts it shouldnt be a problem. When you start making money off of George Lucas' characters maybe then you can't.

4: I think as long as you are not making any money off of the music, and it will not be a publicized video, it shouldn't be a problem. Once you start making money off of it and showing it to the whole school should you consider getting the proper permissions and the like.

Anonymous said...

lujaen alhabubi period 1
2. I dont think the teacher should have to ask for permission because she is just using it to help teach a class not to make money off of it.

4.I think the kids should be allowed to use the song becuase as long as the kids dont try to sell it to make money, then the video is harmless.

Anonymous said...

Austin Christians peiod2 9/11/08

2. I think that teachers should beable to use anyones material because its school related. There not trying to endorse the produt.there just using it because its good material.

4. I think you should beable to use any music you wont for a background of a move unless you make a profit off it. like for a school slide show you should beable to use any song because its educational

Anonymous said...

Meagen Hitzeman
period 3
2.) No, the teacher shouldnt have to ask to use pictures from a book if it is for educational reasons.
4.) if your just showing your friends and not selling it, it should be fine. But if your going to sell it you may want to make sure that its alright if you use their song.

Anonymous said...

Zach Hofer Period 1

2) Yes, i believe a teacher should be able to photocopy pages from a book to show in class without the authors consent. Obviously if it was published the person who wrote it would want it to be shown or advertised. This teacher would actually being doing the publisher a favor at no cost to them.

4) This queastion is a definate yes. By having the song in a video it would increase the popularity of it and its artists. If you plan to sell the video you might want to get some permission from a figure that deals with such. For a screening at school i don't think its neccessary for the artists permission. Also the same goes if your just showing it to your friends.

Anonymous said...

Zach Hofer Period 1

2) Yes, i believe a teacher should be able to photocopy pages from a book to show in class without the authors consent. Obviously if it was published the person who wrote it would want it to be shown or advertised. This teacher would actually being doing the publisher a favor at no cost to them.

4) This queastion is a definate yes. By having the song in a video it would increase the popularity of it and its artists. If you plan to sell the video you might want to get some permission from a figure that deals with such. For a screening at school i don't think its neccessary for the artists permission. Also the same goes if your just showing it to your friends.

Anonymous said...

2. No, i dont think using copywrited work for teaching purposes is wrong. Teachers need to use some of these materials to teach effectivly to their students. Its way to much of a hassle to get permission every time. The only way I think its wrong is if your using the material to sell to students or to post on the internet.

4. I think you should be able to put a popular song in the backround of your movie. If its just for your entertainment than i think its fine. If you go off and start selling it than I think you should be punished for it. I think even if your showing it to people free you should at least give the author credit for it.

Anonymous said...

Snezana Perkovic Periodn 3

#2 Yes, a school teacher should be able to photocopy pages from a book to use in class. Photocopying those pages won’t take away from the original document. Students will still be able to see that the work is not of their teacher but of someone else. Why get permission when you are showing something not as your one but just as an example?

#4 Having a popular song in a video should be no big deal. If you are showing it to your friends or classmates the song will already be known by them. However if your selling this video you might need permission because who's ever song that is deserves part of your profit.

Anonymous said...

Zach Miller period 1

1. The rap group should get permission to use copyrighted material. A majority of mainstream rap has bad messages and these messages could reflect poorly on the products or ideas they used in the song. That could cause people to look at that product differently and maybe hurt that company.

2. The teacher should be able to copy pages out of a book, because it's for educational purposes. The teacher isn't passing the writing off as his own or selling it to the students. Teachers should not have to pay to teach.

Anonymous said...

Nick Beaudette Period 1

I think that if your making a movie, you should be able to just use the song. If you go on like youtube, and go look at the videos. Notice how just about all of them have a background song. And making a youtube video, i doubt that everyone gets permission to use it first. So i really dont see the hassle of just letting people use a song in their movies.

Anonymous said...

Cody Wirkus period 2
It makes me feel pretty good about this because if a average joe can look like a model then anyone can do it. just a little lift and lighting they have a perfect model on paper. But it takes to long to make one perfect picture. so overall i think photoshop is a good thing because you can make money from one of the average looking people and also have fun.

Anonymous said...

Aaron paulson
per 3

Salvador Dali
He was well know for his hand painted dream artwork and was also a sculptor, filmmaker and writer in his lifetime. He was born in Figueras, Spain on May 11, 1904 and lived till January 23, 1989 to a old age of 86. ““The first man to compare the cheeks of a young woman to a rose was obviously a poet; the first to repeat it was possibly an idiot.”” This man was also terrified of grasshoppers and his brother had the same name as him.

Rene Magritte

One of the well known surrealists, best known for his philosophical paintings, he lived from 1898 -1967 from pancreatic cancer and was born in Lessines, Belgium. When he was 14 his mother committed suicide and in 1948 he made 37 intentionally bad paintings to rebel against the ideals of good tastes in art but these paintings were used in many album covers for musicians in the 1960

Anonymous said...

Part 1:Stacy Lee well she likes to take pictures of people and do all kinds of landcape pictures of the ocean. She is very talented and and mixes all of her colors up to look real.

Man Ray: He likes to draw/take pictures of girls. From what i could tell he cares alot about girls and how they look and how tall they are and what they do.

Part 3:
Well Stacy Lee and Man Ray and kinds different and kinda the same. They both like taking pictures and like puting people in it. But Man Ray don't do landcapes like Stacy does.

Samantha Clark

Anonymous said...

Heather Collins period 2

2. I think teachers should be able to photocopy without having to worry about copyrights. They aren't trying to say the things they photocopy are theirs they're just trying to teach. And if teachers had to pay a fee for everything they photocopied it would be ridiculously expensive.

3. I don't think you should be able to use George Lucas' star wars characters on t-shirts without his permission. He came up with the idea and copyrighted it for a reason. I think you need to recieve permission from him in order to be able to make the shirts and you shouldn't be able to sell them.