Thursday, September 4, 2008

Image Manipulation - Has it gone to far?

After viewing the Dove movie in class, read the article on Image Alteration , from CBS Sunday morning and respond to the two questions below by typing a paragraph for each one.

1. After watching the ad created by Dove and learning more of the features of Adobe Photoshop and how to alter photographs, how do you feel about many of the images that you see in magazines? What messages are the advertising agencies and companies who pay to run these ads trying to send? How does it affect you as an individual, as a teenager, as a society?

2. Based on the article from CBS Sunday morning, what did you think of the photo of Senator John Kerry with Jane Fonda as it was used in the presidential campaign- how does this affect us?


Anonymous said...

Kayla VanOverbeke Period 1 09/05/08

1) After seeing this its funny to see how fake every picture you see is probably not the real thing. With technology today you never really know what a original picture looks like it is always altered in some way. No wonder young teenagers worry so much about there looks, they are trying to imitate something that is completely fake.
2) It really says how low people will go in these presidential campaigns. It makes everyone second guess every photo made. In some court cases people use pictures as evidence. But now you really cant because anything can be edited to make it look right.

Anonymous said...

tanner anderson period 1 Sep. 5 2008
I feel that alot of the images today are not real that they have been changed by a computer... if a model has to be changed by a computer then what does that have to say about the rest of the people who are not models. i personaly have no problem the way i look but some kids do and by changing these photos they are telling kids that hey your not perfect you dont look good the way you are lets just change you when in reality they dont need to change.

i think that it was stupid to make that photo and i liked that the one girl who used the dating site made up a system to detect when a photo has been changed.

Anonymous said...

Nick Bruce Period 1 09/05/08

1. After seeing it, I can imagine all the altered photos ive probably seen. Some of the pictures I see I look at and say "That doesnt look like it should be real" and it probably isnt. All the celebritys you see in magazines and photos most likely dont look like that at all.

2. Just thinking about it makes me think that everything I see is photoshoped, billboards for sure, magazines, newspaper, movie stars, music artists (on thier music cover), and almost everything on television. I dont think its right because with the models for example, people see that and set out to get to that point when in all reality, no one has ever reached that point.

Anonymous said...

Ben Brown Period 1

1) After watching the dove ad, I think the advertising companies are trying to go for a product of perfection. Almost every advertisement you see has been altered in some way. Sometimes the alterations are small, but like this Dove ad, they go over the top and try to nail what they think is perfection.

2) The photo in this article has been altered to make someone apear like they are not. They put him in this photo to gain a political leverage in the campaign. They lied about him actually being in the photo, and can make anything just as equal, just as false.

Anonymous said...

Keala Conn
Period 1
1. It shows how they alter her whole face to make what they think is a pretty picture. They used tools to make her neck longer and skinnier. They raised her eyebrows and enlarged her eyes. It makes me beleive that every picture I see in magazines are fake and photo retouched to make it look like a complete different person. They are trying to show how being a model is not always good because they retouch your face to make you look prettier. It makes me glad that I don't want to be a model.
2. Wow. This article makes me think that people will do anything to get people to think they know what's going on. They use those types of photos to confuse people and make them believe that what they see is really what happened.

Anonymous said...

Dylan Johnson period 1

I always thought that some of the pictures were altered somehow. Now I think that almost all of them are altered. The advertising agencies are just trying to get you you to buy their product. We really dont know what their product is worth buying because it really don't know if it is what they say it is.

The article in from cbs i think is it gave us a dramatic image and made it seem as if we were in a really bad time, and we were but just putting a different photo of some one else is just really bad for the people who read it because it isn't the truth.

Anonymous said...

Nikki Mercurio Periond 1

1)After seeing that ad ti makes me wonder how many photos in a magazine are actually natural and not edited? I think it makes teens want to be different; want to look fake.
2)I cant's believe someone would stoop that low to do that. I guess you never know what's real and what's not.

Anonymous said...

Zach Hofer Period 1

I feel that many of the images and pictures shown in magizines are well distorted. I don't think those companies are trying to send a message. They just want thier product to be the best it can be. When watching the video someone might feel better about themselves. This may be because of the transformation of the women. It symbolizes that you dont have to be perfect to have a perfect picture.

This photo was a fake. Personaly i could not tell the difference if it was real or not. Such a photo like this could ruin someones campaign. it just goes to show that pictures can't always be trusted. This could effect us as we may someday if not already be the victum of photo editing.

Anonymous said...

Zach Robinson Period 1 September 5

1. It is completely sick how one can take a picture of someone and manipulate it to create it in the industries version of 'beauty'. I have seen a video where an extremely fat lady has been made to look like a run of the mill whore. It disgusts me. Photoshop was created to enhance beauty of photos, but not to recreate them in the false view of beauty that big name corporations now have us believing in.
2. It was a stupid ploy to edit a photograph just to get publicity for a campaign. Campaigns should be won on ideals and speeches and propaganda, not on lying to the public about your stature. Pitiful.

Anonymous said...

Kaleb Tritt --- Period 2 --- 9-5-08

Too many images that are out there today are editied. True beauty to me is the naturla person, not some gussied up edit of someone. Do I think it has too far though? I do not know what to say. There are good uses for it, and then there are pointless uses for it. As far as I'm concerened, if somone does want to edit a photo, they should have to say that they did edit it.

Some of the good uses include editing a photo for humor or even for a logo. Some of the bad uses for it are making everyone look like they're not good enough to fit in with today's crowd.

Anonymous said...

Taylor Strasburg Period 2

1) I don't think it's that bad that people edit images to make others look better. It makes a strive to look as good as them therefore making us all a cleaner, better looking person. If you don't like the way you look then workout a little or go tanning or something, if it's not able to be changed then be proud of it.

2)It's pretty funny that they put that on a Newspaper so everyone believed it. Who cares that they did though? You can't second guess every photo ever or you'll get all paranoid.

Anonymous said...

jon anderson p.2

after i saw that little clip it was funny how it took all of thoes people to make her look better. now when i look at pictures i will have to think to myself are that real or fake.

how people go way to far with stuiped stuff like the picture that anit even rael.

Anonymous said...

Sarah Johnson period 3

1. I feel that many-if not all-of the photographs in magazines are far from the real thing. But this came as no surprise to me and im sure not many others because we have all been told over and over again how pictures in magazines are far from realistic. These advertizing agencies and companies are sending a message that beauty is perfection. And in this case perfection is unattainable. As an individual it does not affect me as i am quite aware of the fakeness of the picture, but i could see how a teenager would react differently and feel inadequate. As a society, it is telling us that THAT is beauty, and until one reaches this goal they will always just be less than beautiful.

2. I think it is a very real-looking photograph, and is deceiving to nearly everyone who looks at it. This would greatly affect our country had we chosen John Kerry as president. What kind of leader would we have if he went so far as to photoshop a photograph to pretend he was at an anti-war protest? It proves he was a liar, however small the lie may be. But, being that he was not elected, i feel the affect isn't as great.

Anonymous said...

Angela Weeldreyer
Period 3

1. After seeing this mini-clip video made by Dove I feel like magazines do teenagers no good. They fill pages and pages with all of these pictures of "beautiful"/STRANGE looking women and that sets the bar pretty high for all of us regular girls. It's unrealistic for people to really look airbrushed like that. I think that the advertising agencies who pay to run these types of ads are trying to tell us that with their product you too can look like them. Except in all reality you can't. If you use covergirl lip gloss or some jazz like that you aren't going to be automatically hott. It takes a crew of X many people to make a model look like a model. It doesn't affect me because I don't pay attention to those bogus ads but I do feel as if it affects others in the society; girls especially. Some people strive to be just like Paris Hilton or even young girls to Hannah Montanna. I think it's upsetting. Natural beauty is amazing.

2. I think that it's so weak and pathetic that people would try to and sabatoge someones campaign. I think affects us greatly because many people could see a photograph like that and couldn't tell it was fake. It would take a very, very, very trained eye to do so. It looks to real me even though I know it's outrageous and fake. I'm sure that this photo costed someone a lot of votes.. Either Kerry's or his enemies. Even if the public was told it was fake.. I'm sure others would still question his patriotism, which was the whole goal of the photograph. I'm not surprised this happend though because the political scene is dirty like that.

Anonymous said...

Andrew Johnson / Period 1 / 9/5/08

1. Sure they edit images in magazines, but it's for money. It looks more visual appealing for the reader when you see a guy or girl with good attributes. Of course you think to think about what they did to the photo and to not compare everything in it to you. The agencies are most likely trying to do the old "If you get this, youll like him/her". Teenagers will always try to compare themselves to images, and as a society, it can sometimes lead peoples minds as to what is handsome/beautiful and whats not.

2. I think it's a cheap stab at Kerry. I don't support him, but there's no need for someone to get dirty and pretty much lie to the public. I guess this kind of thing will cause tension between the haters and supporters of Kerry.

Anonymous said...

lexi even period 2

1 I think by seeing this it'll help with the expectations of trying to look so flawless, and trying so hard to look like someone your not. It really shows how technology is being an influence on teens. By changing peoples natural beauty to make them look fake, its putting pressure on teens that doesn't need to be their.
2 Technology is taking over and making so many changes now its hard to tell whats real or not. Its ridiculous how they put people in a picture when they weren't even there. I think it going to far.

Anonymous said...

Sam McGee period 1

1-After watching the Dove ad I will be more critical of what I see on TV and in magazines. Putting ads like that are not good for teenagers because it gives the a negative and false feeling about themselves and the way they look.
2-Putting someone in a photo when they are not even there is not right. I hope that it is against the law. This is just one example of how low people can be during presidential campaigns.

Anonymous said...

Natasha Pettibone Period 1

1. I feel that they are mostly fake and re-alterted. I think the industries are trying to say we need to improve how we look. I think many young teenagers follow the magazines on their style and how they look. It doesn't really affect who i am, but as a society many people follow what's "in".

2. i think they made it look like Kerry is someone is is not or maybe really is. I don't think it's right though of someone to photoshop his face next to jane fonda. I think it's just an effort to make a campaign come on strong and to let him win.

Anonymous said...

1)After re watching the comercial my reaction over all was kinda depressing on how much we as a nation depend on these kinds of comercials to make us feel like a poduct is good enough for us to use. I also think it's kinda weird because you never know how much alteration has occured in an add before you actually see it.

2)I think it really shows how much that us as people would believe and how we really never know what has been altered and in what ways it was altered before you actually see it. Over all i think that the presidential campaign there were many pictures like this but we just didn't doubt them till now.

Anonymous said...

Michael Chamness Period 1 09/09/08

1)After re watching the comercial my reaction over all was kinda depressing on how much we as a nation depend on these kinds of comercials to make us feel like a poduct is good enough for us to use. I also think it's kinda weird because you never know how much alteration has occured in an add before you actually see it.

2)I think it really shows how much that us as people would believe and how we really never know what has been altered and in what ways it was altered before you actually see it. Over all i think that the presidential campaign there were many pictures like this but we just didn't doubt them till now.

Anonymous said...

Jordan Paulson per 2

1.Even after watching the ad I dont think that this kind of retouching is that big of a deal.We as a society just have to relize that the media has cooked up what "we" belive is perfect.

2.This is when the retouching gets out of hand. Photoshop is used to improve pictures not make fake ones. We just need to make sure to look at every picture twice because it might be somthing somone else created.

Anonymous said...

Justin Charnell Period 3

1. That Dove ad really just goes to show how far some people will go to make some cash. I'd do it too if I were in that position. There is no way to say whether something is good or bad, it's just the available technology. Although I can't say if it gives off a positive or negative advertisement, the people that have no idea that this person or that hamburger don't really look like that in real life need a reality check. Real talk.

2.If I were John Kerry and I got to kick it with Jane Fonda I don't care how that got out she's a fox. This goes out to anyone reading this: if you want to photoshop me hanging out with Jane Fonda, feel free to. Holla!

Anonymous said...

Derrick Ettel period 3 9/9/08

1) I think it's ridiculous. The companies are trying to say that you aren't good enough, so they want you to buy their product. It has a real negative effect on the society, with so many people with eating disorders. But, it doesn't really effect me, because I really don't care at all about what people think about me.

2) I think that there are far too many sly and untruthful people in the world today. I mean, to try and sabotage someone like that is totally uncalled for. It has gotten to the point now where anything you see in magazines or even the news could be total lies.

Anonymous said...

Angela Berry Period 3 9/9/08

1) I think its crazy how much you can alter a picture. The view on beauty is distorted. Ive always heard that photos in magazines are airbrushed but I never realized how MUCH they are altered. Its shocking and I think many teenage girls want to look like pictures in the magazine not realizing its more than likely phisically impossible due to much of it is computer done.

2)I think it is creative doing that but he did it all for the wrong reasons. Soon people will loose all trust in the media if photos are going to lie.

Anonymous said...

Taylor Hansen Period 1

1. After seeing the manipulated ad i think that the companies are sending and unrealistic portrayal of perfection and that this is having a negative affect on society as a whole because perfection is unachievable for the normal person.

2. this causes us to question images we see because we dont know whether the image was retouched or manipulated to send us a false message.

Anonymous said...

Randall Porter Period 1

1. Now that I know that Photoshop can do many different things to images, its hard to believe that all the pictures that you see in magazines are actually just pictures and not manipulated by Photoshop. I think that companies just want to sell their product so they put someone on their ads that looks good and then makes them look like a model just so they can sell products.

2. I think the photo of John Kerry tells us that it doesn't matter how canidates get our votes they just want them. They will even go as far as lying about where they were and manipulating photos to get our votes.

Anonymous said...

Jack Hogan Period 1 9/10/08

1) Aesthetics are a moral imperative, people have been changing their appearance unnatural for hundreds of years. The same unnatural everyone speaks so distastly of is the same thing that has allow us to thrive as a species. Making things look better for mass media consumption is necessary for companies. Nobody wants to look at a sloppy looking model or food that looks like garbage.

2)The picture of John Carry in the photo is not that big of a deal, I mean in the sense it doesnt affect us very much, photos just need to be examined closer prior to public release.

Anonymous said...

Paige Kiepke, Period 2, 09/10/08

1) I think it's cool that you can change the way you look, and your hair color ect. on a picutre. It kinda sends a message saying no one can realy look like this, and it's all fake advertisment when selling makeup products. And for teenager's they look at these pictures wishing they looked like it, and they worry so much about what they look like, even though it's all fake.

2) I thought it was really low, it makes you wonder about a lot of presdential campains and what not if all the pictures they show were edited and fake.

Anonymous said...

thomas hickey period 2

i think it is funny because people that is not the way people look. people are just saying if you buy this product then you will look like this person. it makes people give up their money to someone else for something to make them look like a fake person

i think that the people in that campaign were use it to say hey he like jane fonda just like you vote for me

Anonymous said...

-John ham period 2

After seeing the Dove video i just think all photos and other images in magazines are all fakes and it puts women in a bad position telling them about how they should look and act and it could cause some problems phsycologicaly in some females. The people that advertise these adds on billboards, magazines, and other distributional places are just wrong and should be put out of buissness for putting such drastic images of women up the way i see it its like false advertisment.
It affects US in a way of depression and other phsycological ways that we dont even know thats happeing to us its kind of like hidden images in magazins that are saying "be pretty" to young women in our society.

Anonymous said...

Elle Score
Period Two - September 10th

1.) I find it sort of offesive how people want to change our perspective of what real people look like. I feel like they are trying to tell us that we are not good enough for society and as a teenage girl, I feel offended. No of it is realistic. We all have our own looks. These photos are just showing us the same thing over and over again. Computerized beauty.

2.) It's ridiculious how far people will go to become president. The picture will affect how we feel about who we choose to put in charge of our country.

Anonymous said...

Katherine Randall Period 2 09/10/08

(1)After learning features of photoshop, I start to examine the photos in magazines closer. It’s amazing what we’ve begun with our search with beauty. With all of the features made for changing what we see, it’s no wonder that a new perception in society began. The agencies and companies who pay to run adds that are digitally altered are trying to send the message that we can be as beautiful as the models in the ads if we use the products the companies are selling. As an individual, I know that most of these ads are altered and that none of the models look just as they do in the photos. I understand that and it helps me to see the ads as examples of photoshop works. As a teenager, it’s annoying to see all the ads expressing such beauty. It makes it seem as if I’m supposed to live up to the standard, and if I don’t, I won’t be good enough. Talk about encouraging messages, huh? Finally, as a society, it ups the standard of beauty for all. Everyone feels the pressure of trying to be more good-looking and young. For those who can’t compare to the models in ads, it becomes an emotional issue. If only we all appreciated natural beauty.

(2) Reading the article makes me realize that we can’t even believe information anymore. Now with such products and abilities that are available to us, we don’t know if what we’re looking at is real or photoshoped. The photo with John Kerry in it seemed as real as if it had been taken during the rally. But instead, it was just the result of a good use of photoshop. I have to look at the elections in a new way, we all do, in order to judge for ourselves what it real and what is misleading. This could apply to any situation, and even e-mail forwards that get sent around.

Anonymous said...

Jordan Brown Period 3

1) its stupid that people have to change what others look like to be accepetd in socity.
2) pictures can just be changed to look like some one did something that they never did thats why you can't really trust the press

Anonymous said...

Matt Horan Period 3

1. That makes me think that a lot of the images that i've seen aren't real and they have been altered. It's a shame that people try to look like models when the models don't even look like that in real life.

2. That is not right putting somebody in a photo when they were really not there. It's lying to everyone and it is sad that they have to do that.

Anonymous said...

Snezana Perkovic Period 3
Many, actually probably all of the photos we see in magazines are altered and therefore fake. What these companies are trying to do is correct all the imperfections that make us all human. Perfection and flawlessness is the message that they send but realistically it is impossible to achieve. It affects everyone because everyone looks at those photos thinking "if only..." when truly what they are viewing has been altered.

Anonymous said...

Ryan Soyland Per. 3
1.After looking over these images, you will never know what is real and what is computer fixed. I would have never have known that that was just not a picture of her if they didn't show that part. So many teenagers worry so much about there looks but they are trying to copy a fack person.
2.Now no one will ever know if the picture is real or fake. Now you can make anything look real. So now pictures arnt going to be proof because you can create anyting.

Anonymous said...

Jon Bennett Period 3

1. It doesn't really affect me, they've always looked fake and touched up, and I think someone would be stupid to try to live up to that look. It sends a false message of beauty that no one should listen to.

2. It shows that politians will do anything for a vote, but there have been dirtier things done in a campian. It just makes it really hard to trust people like that.

Anonymous said...

Grant Wynia Period 3

1. I think the images I've seen in the media are almost always altered a little bit from the original photo. It's very deceiving because we see all these beautiful models and wonder how they get that beautiful and the answer is the computer! Without the computer altering these images, i think people would feel less pressure on trying to look like all of these models.

2. I think the photo is not only wrong but also corrupt. Publishing this photo to the public is just another form of lying to us. And if John Kerry would've been elected for president, the U.S. wouldn't have got the man we thought we were voting for. We would've got a liar.

Anonymous said...

Alex Lugo Period 3 Sept.10

1. After seeing that Dove movie clip it really showed me that in a way it can be good or bad in ways. But its pretty much showing that you can always touch up something but in all reality you cant. And when you show people that it can get to them and possibly show them that they arent perfect and its all done by software. Also by showing that it shows the people are human and all dont look like super models.

2. I think its wrong when people do those types of things....sure it might be funny or a good idea at the time but your hurting someone else in the process and since he was a senator it hurt people assosiated with him too. I think its alright to do it but publishing as it was i dont think was right. In the class room i think its ok and all but doing that without someones permition shouldnt be tollerated

Anonymous said...

Snezana Perkovic Period 3
2. I actually found the photo kind of funny. Publishing things that are false and hoping others will believe it makes that person look like the dumb one. If you need to degrade someone to such a degree to help yourself then that shows how terribly unwanted by the public you are. False publishing will only do harm to the person trying to get some gain.

Anonymous said...

Beth DeJong p.2

1: Now I know that what you see in magazines aren't what that person really looks like. I think they are kind of saying in order to fit in, you have to be perfect and beautiful to be accepted and that's not ok. When I look in magazines I think wow, she has like perfect skin almost and now that i saw that it just puts a downer on everything i've seen in magazines like that. As a girl, you want to know that you are equal to someone as beautiful as that but you can't when you know that's not what they really look like.

2: It made it seem like she was helping him in the election to get more votes and popularity. It helped to get him recognized also. You just can't always believe everything you see.

Anonymous said...

Katie Meister Period 3

1. After watching the dove video i was actually surprised at how much photoshop they actually use in ads. I knew they used some but i honestly didn't know they used it to that extreame. I don't feel bad or anything about ads because i know they use photoshop to make their ad look the best. It doesn't so much affect me because i know, but you can tell alot of people think negative about themselves because they see an ad like that and think they wish they had hair like that or that color eyes.

2.That article looked very real and anyone who looks at it before they are told he wasn't there probably believes he was there. I think its terrible that a candidate would do that because its already a lie before people can even vote him in to try and protect our country.

Anonymous said...

Naomi McDonald p.1
1.That video didnt really surprise me. I knew they reedited the features of people or images but i didnt know it was that bad. It's sad to know that the images in magazines arent real and people base themselves off of it.
2. I think its wrong, it would be different if it was a funny article but not for a higher up U.S representative. You would think they wouldnt allow him to be in a picture like that, its like lying without saying anywords.

Anonymous said...

weston smith period 1 9/11/08

Now after seeing the way hollywood makes everything so pertferct you dont know what is real and not real these days.When they started the makeup prosses the girl they brought in was not that good looking but by the end of all the retouching she ended up looking totaly different and she looked now that i know how much time they put in to making the models look great.

Anonymous said...

Tarah Parks period 1

1. After watching this I think alot of the pictures we see in magazines or online are fake. We don't know if were looking at the original picture or not. It's sad how far a company will to impress you and make you want to buy their product.

2. I don't think it's fair to alter a picture to win more votes, it's wrong. The picture makes him appear to be someone he's not.
In the article with the dating website I think it was very clever to invent a software to detect an altered image.

Anonymous said...

Ashley Kuhn Period. 1
1. after seeing the advertisment it is weird to think about how much people manipulate photos to make them look "beautiful" and since people do that they are sending messages to teens and adults that this is what normal people look like and that makes people have lower self esteem if they dont look like that image.

2. i think it was wrong of them to edit a photo just to win peoples vote for a campagin. votes should be won on persionality and beleifs not by looks.

Anonymous said...

Lujaen Alhabubi period 1. I dont feel bad about the images I see in magazines because i know that it's just photo retouching so the person doesnt really look that way.

Anonymous said...

lujaen alhabubi period 1
2. I think that after seeing the presidental photo that it was really weird that some one would do a fake picture to better their image- when really if people find out, then that persons reputation will be trashed.

Anonymous said...

Austin Christians period2 9/11/08

1. After watching the dove video i relized how fake everyone really is. I really wonnder who is fake and who is real some times. I bet that everyone famous in pictures gets there picture edited.

2.It really shows you that you cant always belive what you see because any picture can be edited. I cant belive that someone has that much free time to do something stupid like that.

Anonymous said...

Angela Bartunek Period 3 9/10/08

1)I think that most if not all magazines change pictures on computers. By doing this they are sending the message that everyone has to look like those people. It makes people feel like that have to look like that to be considered beautiful.
2)It shows what people will do to get ahead. I don't think that he should have done this because he wasn't really there. He did this to get ahead in his campaign.

Anonymous said...

Ryan Punke Period 2

I feel that people are trying to look good by being fake. People should just be themselves. Although teens look up to them, i still don't think that it's right.

It shows that people are willing to hurt people, just because they want something for themselves.

Anonymous said...

Meagen Hitzeman
1. now i feel that everytime i have looked at a picture in a magazine< it hasn't been real. Are the advertizing agencies trying to say people are not good enough as the way they are? Thats how they're making it seem. It affects me as a teenager because now I know that advertising agencies are not accepting people as they look.
2. I think that is dumb. To make something apear as it isn't. Why make things up? Thats all they were doing. I'm not really too sure how this affects us. but now i hope more people realize not everything they see is real.

Anonymous said...

Gabby Folsom
Period 1

1. It really just amazes me how distorted photographes really are. I've always known that there is photoretouching in magazines, but never to that extreme. I feel as if the advertising agencies are just telling everyone that anybody can show up for a photo shoot because photoshop will do all the work. Agencies want perfection, but their idea of perfection isnt reality. It doesnt really affect me as an individual in society, but just makes me a little more aware that not everything is real.

2. I really thought the photograph of John Kerry and Jane Fonda together was really stupid. What ever happened to "honesty is the best policy"? It makes me worried about articles in the newspaper. Even if its just adding extra smoke to something, wheres the credibility in that?

Anonymous said...

Sean Hoeppner period 1 9/12/08

1)after seeing it i wonder how many people aculy look real in magazens and bilbords.

2)its really low whan some one has to make a fack photo just to win a Election and do u realy whant some one like that as president

Anonymous said...

Shannon Peters period 3

1. Now that I see just how much people and computers can alter an image, I think differently. When I look in a magazine at some article I automatically think that the image was altered in some way. I just didn't think that people went that far to change one image. I believe that the agencies are tyring to send the message that if you aren't pretty, then you arent good enough. It doesn't afftect me as an indvidual because I don't really care about being pretty or skinny, but I can definitely notice how it affects other teenage girls and the society.

2. I thought the picture looked real. Only when they mentioned that it was two seperate pictures did I notice. It affects us because we like to believe that such widely respected people would do that, but obviously they are willing to do anything to win.

Anonymous said...

1.Magazines are information not fake they should not be alowed to change images unless its small tuch up and it tells you what they did. In many cases people change blemishes or wrinkels thats just what people want they dont want to see a wrinkle but the perfict image of a star is still maintained through photo manipulation.

2. Many pictures and phots have all the right to be changed in any way. If you have a picture you have the right to do anything to it that you want. Just dont go saying that its a true photo and you made it or take any credit for the original photo unless you made it.

Aaron Paulson

Anonymous said...

Zach Miller Period 1

1. I think its crazy how many pictures we see on a daily basis are fake. I think its funny that the teenagers are trying to emulate something that is impossible to emulate. I think that people are taking this editing thing too far. I read that many of the things we saw in the opening ceremony for the olympics were just added in by a computer to make it look beter. I think they are taking this editing thing too far.
2. Knowing that people have the power to distort pictures to their liking really makes any picture i see seem fake. Especially pictures that are shown during elections. Candidates can use these pictures to distort peoples views and maybe even win the election. This is a slippery slope we are going down.

Anonymous said...

Nick Beaudette period 1 9/17/08

1.After seeing that, it kindof made me wonder how many photos you look at a day that are fake. It also shows how good the programs that they use these days are too. Even worse yet, you gotta know that thier coming up with another one.

2.I think that after reading the article from the sunday news paper, that anything these days could be edited. you could start telling the world that you were in the white house. And just take the photo and edit it and people will believe it. After seeing both these things, i don't think that i will ever look at things the same again.

Anonymous said...

Ryan Anderson prd:2

1. I feel that advertisers have the right to manipulate there photos if they want, Thats how they make their money. I mean how would you feel if someone told you not to do something a certain way if you were running your own business?

2. In contrast to my first comment,i believe that the cbs sunday morning was wrong in their decision to put Senator John Kerry at the rally by maipulating the photo. I feel this way because they were just trying to sabotage his reputation.

Anonymous said...

Heather Collins period 2
1.I feel that most if not all images in magazines are manipulated in some way. The advertising companies are trying to tell us this is how we should look when in fact that beauty is unatanable because the images are manipulated so much. The images affect society as a whole because everyone is trying to live up to these standards of beauty in magazines.
2. The photo shows that people will go to great lenths in presidential campaigns and wil lie to get people to vote for them. It shows how insecure people are because they have to lie and make up stories to gain votes.

Anonymous said...

Joey NIelson Per. 3
I think that it is cool that they can do all that stuff by not even really doing it. You can just put stuff on from the computer and it looks like its really that same person. But that its really not the person but a photo that is redone. It really makes them look a lot better than it really is sometimes so its diseaving.

Anonymous said...

Ryan Thomas
Period 3

1) After watching the video i think its kinda funny how much they alter photos. Now when i see pictures of models in magazines i know how fake they are. I Don't like the fact that they change them so much though. I mean its like telling the model their not good enough for them. Its leading alot of younger fans astray from what the truth is.

2) I don't like the fact that they made that picture. I mean sure it looks real, but its not true. I don't think things like that should be made because its like people are trying to change history. What happened in the past should stay in the past and not be able to be changed by image manipulationan.