Monday, October 6, 2008

Surrealistic Photomontage

You will need to decide on a theme for your photomontage. I would like you to write a paragraph based on a theme idea that you have. Some examples of themes could be a memory, dream, social issue, self portrait, and or traveling.

Describe the types of images that you are thinking of using and how you are going to manipulate them to support your theme.Here is a website that show some of examples of layered collages that may give you some ideas.

Here is one of my favorite surrealistic artists Jerry N. Uelsmann and his website.


Anonymous said...

Zach Robinson
Period 1

I was thinking about doing a picture of an idea, or I guess it could be a social issue, of how while there is destruction and chaos around us, hope within us all with perservere and bring us to the other side. I got the idea when looking at a fire escape picture from a free image site. I was thinking I could have the fire escape, add some natural disasters, such as tornados, fire, maybe try to fit a flood in there, then have a person, or a silhouette of a person that is in some way trying to battle the darkness and destruction amidst him/her.

Anonymous said...

Aaron, Paulson
Per. 3

i would like to do a reflection portrat with elements of nature in it. showing my car and trees bugs any thing from nature, showing negitive and postive realities and what can happen any thing that is creepy. or anything that is mindblowing.

Anonymous said...

Angela Weeldreyer
Period 3 Graphics

My theme for the photomontage is to create an image that reflects a whole bunch of really awesome and important memories to me. These include: Visiting the Philippines, volunteering with the Obama Campaign +meeting Obama, my cat, and my boyfriend. I guess it's going to look like a whole bunch of random things put together. My cat is going to be the largest image in the montage which is very unreal. I was thinking we could all be posing on top of my cat, or something along that sort.

Tiny people + Big cat = distorted sizes. :)

Anonymous said...

Kaleb Tritt -- Period 2

My photomontage is based on a dream that I used to have a lot as a little kid. I would always be holding onto a random pole in themiddle of the ocean with a shark surrounding me. I never did get to finish the dream because I always woke up too early. This photomontage is that way I think it was meant to end, but you never know.

Anonymous said...

jordan brown period 3

my theme is dreams. i picked this theme because i would really like to display some of my dreams of what i would like to do or go visit. i put a castel because i would love to go see some of them. i also put a spaceshuttel lanching because its my complete dream to go to space. and the fantasy sky for like a different planets sky.

Anonymous said...

Matt Horan
Period 3

My theme is a basketball dream I had. In my dream I couldn't make a basket and a bunch of arms were blocking the ball. I had this dream the night before I had a big game the next day. I will use pictures of me shooting a basketball and a brick wall over the hoop. I will also use anther picture of me blocking the ball and guarding me. I chose basketball because I enjoy playing it and it is one of my favorite sports.

Anonymous said...

For the photomantage, my theme will be of a dream that i actually had. It felt vividly real, but i knew there was no way it could be. My friends and i were on vacation in Greece, and we were hanging out with people who i assumed to be the ancient gods and goddesses. My first clue, besides the fact that they are supposed to be loonnggg dead, was the fact that they had Blackberrys, iPods, computers, many technological advances that they obviously did not have. And they were on a much larger scale than their usual compact, portable selves.

I am thinking of using pictures of the ancient Greek gods and goddesses as a background, and have several of them holding up the cell phones, iPods, etc. Also, i will use pictures of myself and my friends to show that we are "hanging out" with them.

Anonymous said...

Andrew Johnson Period 3 10/9/08

1.) My theme was on traveling on the eastern United States. It was when my family and I moved from New Jersey to South Dakota. I made my picture look like total anarchy because that's how some people drive there. The picture isn't an exact replica of what goes on over there, but more of an "out of proportion" picture, hence the real, but not real image.

2.) I used my car's hud, my facial expression in my car's mirror, and my sister's car to make it look like we're about to have a head on collision in the picture. I then used the NJ welcome sign to represent where this is happening. Then, I used a picture of a foreign car (Steering wheel's on the right side of the car) passing by to show emphasis on the idiocy of some people out east, and the placement of the car to show that if this really happened, they wouldn't give you room to swerve over. The bear and wolves was just for ironic effect. Car crash and dead people, and wolves and bears being there. I also added a car air refreshener and wobbling Hawaiian hoola dancer just to give the image more than basics.

Anonymous said...

Nikki Mercurio Per.1
My theme is to be random.i plan on placing items where they aren't usually found.Maybe some water in the desert or something like that. The items that i include in this project don't have any real meaning to me.

Anonymous said...

Randall Porter Period 1

I used a theme of random things. I didn't really have an idea of a theme when the project began so I threw some stuff together and it evolved into a project. I am going to manipulate the pictures by putting them into situations that are not realistic.

Anonymous said...

Gabby Folsom
Period 1

My theme idea is a dream-like state of mind. My dream is that I have gohst-like skulls, I guess, haunting me at Falls Park but yet my cat is my guardian trying to protect me. So I'll set up the photo montage with a background of Falls Park and skulls on the bridge (right). Then I will have me on the other side of montage (left) my cat faded in between me and the skulls. The faded look will help it look dream like. I also will blurr the majority of the background.

Anonymous said...

Nick Bruce Period 1

My theme is not one stated but it is more like just something I thought up. The pictures I am using are pictures both off the internet and drawings I created in past grades. First I have three drawings of cartoon-like characters that I am going to make look like they are floating in space on something that I am not quite sure yet what it will be. For the pictures I got off the internet there is a background of space but the picture was so small that scaling it up pixelized it and so I just copied the picture and placed it so it filled up the canvas. There are 22 space layers so I put them all in a group called space.

Anonymous said...

Weston Smith
surrealistic photomontage blog

The theme of my photomontage is a dream I am trying to make myself look like i am looking over the whole world and I am in control. In my Photomontage i use Aberrant scale which is why the two people standing on the bridge are smaller than each other. I also use illogical juxtaposition because I have a litte kid peaking over a hill and some other little kid standing in the forest with pajamas and no shoes on.

Anonymous said...

Sam McGee
Period. 1
Surrealistic photomontage

The theme of my photomontage is baseball and the city of Chicago. I am also interested in space, so I included some planets in my montage. I combined all of my favorite sports, places, and topics in this photomontage. I am going to take some pictures of me playing baseball and put them over the city of Chicago.

Anonymous said...

Taylor Hansen Period 1

the theme for my surrealistic photomontage is music, or more so the components that make up music like the band members, instruments, and lyrics. In the montage im using all photos that i have taken at concerts and some lyrics from my favorite band. i manipulated the images by changing their color to make them more surrealistic and then having the text make a sort of vortex with some of the band members spiraling back into it.

Anonymous said...

Natasha Pettibone Period 1

The theme of my photo montage is sort of caught up in a dream and reality. I have my friend eating cookie monsters cookie b/c it's sort of representing that time in life is just getting eaten away. I have me and my friends posing and a "in memory" for Aecho Holmes.

Anonymous said...

My theme is going to be playing on a playhouse. I'm going to use a surrealistic floating playhouse thing that looks like a ship. I'm going to be all over it playing along with a few random celebrities.

Anonymous said...

My theme is going to be me playing in the water. I have a surrealistic backround because its a floating floating train track, and i will be on that too.

Anonymous said...

John ham period 2

My Photomontage actually came from a dream i had a couple years ago that i still remember today. My photomontage has got to do with my dream beacause in my dream i was actually driving into space with my parents and my sister and on the way we past mount rushmore and other things but when we finally reached space the world ended because of war and thats why there is a peace sign in my design hidden.

Anonymous said...

Beth DeJong

I didn't really have a theme figured out so i was looking through pictures and found pictures i could put together and then i decided on a theme. I had a picture of my cousin and a picture of a candle flame and flowers and i thought that if i could put them together and mix them it would make a theme playing off of youth. My cousin isn't very old and she has a childish pose so i thought i could manipulate it and make some layers to create the theme of eternal youth. I used the candle as an eternal youth sign-like as if the flame is always burning then you have eternal youth.

I had a number of pictures but i fixed on four main pictures. I have the picture of my cousin, flowers, a candle flame, and a sky background. I thought that if I layered them together I could still make that theme come into play and complete.

Anonymous said...

Zach Miller
Per. 1

The theme of my photomontage is a dream of traveling through the four seasons and what kind of weird things would be seen in this dream. To create this illusion I plan on taking different animals and putting them into situations that they never could be found in unless in a dream world. I will also use a few of my own pictures to put people into weird places on the picture.

Anonymous said...

Michael Chamness
Period 1
My theme for the surrealistic photomontage would be my friend Tommy. Of this theme i will be using some themes like baseball (his favorite sport), Power Rangers (when we first met), Glasses (just a physical chartacteristic), a picture of him on the sixth grade zoo trip, and target name tag (represents what he is doing today). I think im going to use mostly scale and different places in order to help represent what I'm trying to achieve.

Anonymous said...

Tanner Anderson period 1 10/14/08

my theme for my surrealistic photomontage is my family,some of the images i'm going to use are one from the past when me and my sister were younger.

Anonymous said...

thomas hickey period 2

My photomontage title is 'Einstein'. i use a background that gave off the impression of a dream like state. The background is just a picture with a wavy line and i choose it because i look like a brain cell. it made me feel like i was in some ones brain. then i found a picture of an atom and then that in how i decided what i was going to do. i put a picture of einstein and faded it in to the background. then i felt that the yellow dot in the atom did not flow well with my theme so i just added a layer mask and i put in a picture of a blue sun.

Anonymous said...

Luke Sage Period 3

The theme of my photomontage is a dream I have had multiple times. I like to watch alot of zombie movies so it is about an outbreak actually happening. There is an imaage of fire in the background to represent chaos. My favorite video game is Doom so I have included some of the characters of the game into my montage. Because it is like everything has gone into total chaos.

Anonymous said...

Jon Bennett P.3

I went with the theme where I had a dream about hypnotising people and things. It shows how powerful hypnosis can be, even if it really doesn't do anything. I used a pocket watch of the Internet and made it giant to sybolize the power of hypnosis. I took my own eyes and blurred them out, and used a cloud backround and texture to give it a kind of dreamy feel.

Anonymous said...

Derrick Ettel
per. 3 10/14/08

Well, the theme of this is based on one of my bands songs, it is about a girl facing her daily problems that is personified with a dark demon type thing.

I used a bunch of random pictures of a room and a door and a flower, but I darkened all of them a lot.

Anonymous said...

The theme of my creation is basically describing my brother's friend Anthony. Anthony once had a dream that he was being attacked by killer ants and ever since that, he has been deathly afraid of them. Anthony also adores eagles and wants to protect them, so the eagle in this picture is somewhat protecting Anthony and is about to eat the ant. It is sort of random but these individual images come together to create my masterpiece: "Eat or Be Eaten"

Anonymous said...

Joey Nielson Per.3
The Theme for my photomontage is a memory of what we do every year for a couple weeks at a time. That is chopping silage cause we do 200 acors every year to fill the bunker for feeding the cows. So its a memory that ill never forget because in the beginning of every school year I know the it will be coming around agin and that why its a ememory for me.

Anonymous said...

Justin Charnell, Period 3

The theme I used in my photomontage is the song C.R.E.A.M by the Wu Tang Clan. The acronym stands for Cash Rules Everything Around Me, so I put in pictures of money, the world, myself, stars, and the Wu Tang Clan symbol.

Anonymous said...

My theme is a memory of me and two of my brothers at the beach. i made it so my brother shandon look all holy and god like.i put them all on the beach and made a rainbow like thing in the sky. i lighten the sand so it wasn't so dark. also i dodged the shorts and shoes on shandon so it look like hes in all white.

Anonymous said...

Alhabubi Lujaen period 1
the theme i will use is a memory. My pictures are going to be about the summer because I had so much fun. The pictures i will use are of me outside and just hanging with my friends.

Anonymous said...

My theme for my photo montage will be in memory of my grandma. It will be a memory. Im going to use images of her and her favorite things she did. i will put them in like a garden like setting since she loved to garden.

Katy Clements pd 1

Anonymous said...

the theme for my photomontage is in memory of my grandpa who passed away recently. Im going to you a picture with him and my grandma, have a cross background, a photo of me and my brother with my grandparent, and his favorite prayer.

Ashley Kuhn
Period 1

Anonymous said...

-Jack Hogan Period 1 Graphics
My theme was Animals as English Gentlemen.

I could have done something more contemporary I suppose, but putting a fresh twist on a stagnating genre can be entertaining as well as academic.

The Gentlemen of the older years had somewhat of a dramatised public persona, and combining that with the somewhat foreign and unknowable allure of animals can create something new and exciting.

Anonymous said...

Keala Conn
Period 1
the theme for my montage is a memory of two summers ago. I hung out with all my closest friends pretty much every day so incorporated pictures of them. There is a footprint in the sand to represent beaches cuz i love to swim. I also put alot of suns because thats how i got so tan that summer. I loved this project!

Anonymous said...

Naomi Mcdonald
October 16

I used a fantasy theme for my image. I a picture of a fairy sitting down while holding a snow glob with a picture of me and Kelly dressed as pixies inside of it. I like mystical images and things so that’s how I got the idea for my photomontage.

Anonymous said...

Katherine Randall
Period 2

I want to portray time. I want to do a softer portrayal in the background, and a more definite one in the foreground. I see time is something soft and easy going. Not needing to be reminded of what is to come or what has happened. I’ll use that portrayal in the background. In the foreground the use of past, present and future will be observed through three figures. My idea is sort of like Mother Nature and Father Time, fictional figures that represent something that we know.

My initial idea was of snowy planes under a dark sky. Rather than hills, I had faces come to mind. Peaceful faces showing how restful time is. To keep up with my thought process I eventually thought of using a play on “speak no evil, see no evil, hear no evil”. In the case of my work though, I chose to use them in the sense of how we perceive the parts of time. We are told about the past, we speak about the future and we witness the present.

Anonymous said...

Grant Wynia Per. 3

My photomontage is basically a story of my friend Anthony's life. He is deathly afraid of ants so I have a giant one attacking him. But I also have a bald eagle coming to save him and eat the ant. I could've shown my theme better with maybe a scared expression on Anthony's face and more ants attacking him.

Anonymous said...

Alex Lugo per.3 10/15/08

My work of art is based on a dream i had, it was me and one of my buddies who runs for liberty university in virginia (sam). we were running threw the desert getting chased by dinos and all sorts of animals along with monkeys watching us about to die. Then all of a sudden a snow mountain comes out of no where and we make a break for it because they hate the snow for some odd reason, and thats the story behind my work of art.

Anonymous said...

Katie Meister Period 3

The theme i chose for this project was my basketball teams trip to Washington State. I'm thinking of some how having a collage of images i just havn't decided how i was going to place them. I also know that i wan't to have one picture as a focal point and the rest kind of darkened or blurred

Anonymous said...

Elle Score
Period two

The theme I have for my Photmontage is "Winter Wonderland." I love taking pictures when it's snowing of bright snowy days, but the twist to my photmontage is the "wonderland." I also incorperated an ocean theme to it. I've always loved the ocean and so I've mixed the two up!

Anonymous said...

Ryan Punke
Period 2

The goal of my photomontage is to show some of my friends, and dreams that I have had. The rainbows represent the good dreams I have had. I am showing lots of things in nature, like the rocks, trees and open sky. Also, in my photomontage I am trying to show what some of my friends are looking forward to in the future. My photomontage is based on a dream.

Anonymous said...

Kayla VanOverbeke
Period 1

My theme for my photomontage will be about best friends and memories. About how much friends have an impact on everyones life. And how it is influenced. I hope to blend everything in well so it all fits together.

I am thinking about using a picture of each of our group of friends and also water and fire to make it more surrealistic. For the tools I plan to use are blending modes and also changing opacity a lot to make everything blend in with the water. I also plan to have a quote just to resemble everything.

Anonymous said...

Lexi Even
Period 2

The theme that i am going for would be centered around my family, and thaksgiving time. I want to include a receipe of something we like to eat. Also, have different sizes and texture to make important images stand out. My photomontage is going to have pumpkins in it along with family members having a good time. Overall i want a piece that flows together but still is surrealistic.

Anonymous said...

Nick Beaudette Period 1

what i'm thinking of doing, is putting a few pictures of my dog, and kindof blending them all together. The lighting i'm thinking will be a little better if it were a little more gloomey, and kindof like an orange color for most of it. for example the sunset.